definition of a bomoh

Lime Therapy

Considering that bomohs have been a part of people’s lives in our region for centuries little is documented about us. Perceptions about what bomohs are range from charm casters, alternative healers, teachers to con-artist.

A search on Wikipedia returns the following: The bomoh’s original role was that of a healer and their expertise was first and foremost an in-depth knowledge of medicinal herbs and tajul muluk or Malay geomancy.

We define a bomoh as a healer, protector and advisor. Being with the light, we are the white against the black.

All problems in the world can be generalised into three broad areas – matters of health, matters of finance and matters of the heart.

If you seek a bomoh for matters of health – they are your healers or protectors if sickness is a result of dark arts.

If you seek a bomoh for matters of finance – they are your advisors to steer you away from pitfalls.

If you seek a bomoh for matters of the heart – they are your protectors or advisors.

Seeing from a macro-level – taoist priests, feng-shui masters, Reiki practitioners, astrologers and tarot card readers would also be called bomohs in the time when bomohs were commonplace in society.

It is important to broaden our view when looking things in order not to be too myopic and dismissive. A person who has never seen gold or diamonds would cast aside a dirty gold nugget or a diamond in the rough not knowing their full value.

Where there is light there is the dark.

When people are in a desperate situation it is easy for them to be taken advantage of and unfortunately con-artists masquerading as bomohs plague the practice. Greed is a sad part of human nature. Masquerade schemes to con – pretending to be banks, major websites, PayPal, charity organisations and people requiring urgent assistance abound but that does not stop the majority of people from banking, using PayPal, donating to charities and helping people in need.

See from all perspectives and look for the truth in everything you seek.

If you need to explore further to increase your confidence before deciding to contact us, take a look at our blog posts and our other websites listed on the right.