Thought For The Day – How Thoughtless We Are Being About Plastic

Thanks Free Your Mind and Think and Surfrider Foundation for the image!
Thoughtless About Plastic

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Thought Of The Day – Joy is not in things; it is in us

Something we have forgotten in our chase of material wealth. We can’t find real joy in things if there is not joy in us to start with.
Joy is not in things; it is in us
Joy is not in things; it is in us – Richard Wagner

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An Amazing Kid Speaks About What’s Wrong With Our Food System

Birke Baehr wants us to know how our food is made, where it comes from, and what’s in it. He talks about the dark side of the industrial food system.

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Unexplained Swelling

One of my regular patients who was seeing me because of marital issues had a daughter who’s finger became swollen after what looked like a mosquito bite. This happened at a particularly intense time for my patient’s marital issues with disturbances being thrown at the family to break them apart. She was worried that the swelling did not seem to be reducing after seeing a doctor so she brought a set of limes for her daughter during a consultation. Two days after that session her daughter completely recovered.


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Don’t Stop Dream … Reach For the Stars Always

We’re not taught to trust ourself and allowing ourselves to soar. We are told to work hard and make sacrifices, to accept our fate. We have been conditioned to limit our dreams and feel bad for wanting too much.

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Thought Of The Day – Perspective on Faith by Martin Luther King

Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.
Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase – Martin Luther King Jr

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Thought For The Day – Life’s Hurdles

Life's problems wouldn't be called hurdles if there wasn't a way of getting over them.
Life’s problems wouldn’t be called hurdles if there wasn’t a way of getting over them.

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Thought For The Day – Scientific Power vs Spiritual Power

Amazing words from Martin Luther King Jr.

our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. we have guided missiles and misguided men
Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men.

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Things To Think About

When someone talks about “waiting to enter God’s Kingdom” … if God created everything are we not already in God’s Kingdom? So what are we waiting for?

Is God’s way the way of love, forgiveness and bringing people together in harmony? Then when religions drive people to condem different groups of people and drive more people to stand against another group of people … is that God’s way?

If God is all forgiving, can he not forgive any group of people and their actions?


Do we take everything at face value or do we question ideas and concepts to see if we can understand what they really mean? Truth must withstand interrogation. If it does not then is it truth or propaganda intended to lead the unquestioning astray?

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Is Easter really a Christian festival only?

From Wikipedia:
Ēostre or Ostara is a goddess in Germanic paganism… Customs of Germanic festival include hares and eggs.

As you might be able to tell, the name “Easter” was likely derived from Eostre, the name of the Anglo-Saxon lunar goddess, as was as the name for the female hormone estrogen. Eostre’s feast day was held on the first full moon following the vernal equinox — a similar calculation as is used for Easter among Western Christians. On this date the goddess Eostre is believed by her followers to mate with the solar god, conceiving a child who would be born 9 months later on Yule, the winter solstice which falls on December 21st.

From Wiki Answers:
How did the celebration of Easter originate?
Easter is a pagan holiday that Christians adopted into their religion. The idea of an Easter egg hunt within this Holiday comes from the Goddess of fertility that the pagans had.
Easter eggs were originally known as “isthar eggs” to celebrate His resurrection from the dead.


So are we celebrating a Christian festival or are we celebrating a pagan festival or are we celebrating Isthar rising from the dead when we celebrate Easter?

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